Thursday, November 17, 2016

Our "Farm" - Norwalk, WI

After a month of house/farm hunting, and another month of offers, counter offers, inspections and the loan process, we closed on our "farm" just outside of Norwalk, WI. Our "farm" consists of a farmhouse built between 1910 and 1920, a large garage, a pole barn, a smaller animal/wood shed, and 10 acres. The 10 acres are mostly pasture and some woods, with a beautiful spring and trout pond, and 3 small streams. The farmhouse sits atop a hill overlooking the small village of Norwalk, WI.

The FarmHouse

Over the next few months (years?) we will be doing quite a bit of renovating on the interior of the home. It is "live able" but there are some definite updates and some full blown renovating that needs to be done. 

"Backyard" - View from the kitchen window

Hopefully next Spring/Summer there will be a few sheep out in that meadow. 

The leaves are gone and winter is coming

Corn field between us and the village

We also purchased the tractor from the previous owner - a 1953 Massey Ferguson
Nate and Matias are thrilled!

We have had unseasonably warm weather and the boys are taking advantage of every moment of it! They have enjoyed exploring the property and are currently building a bike track/ramp.

And meet the newest member of our family - Louie! Louie was Kai's birthday present... and more. We have promised Kai for years that he could get a Border Collie whenever we had some land, and since Kai's birthday coincided with the purchase of our new "farm" we thought why not take the plunge and get a puppy too! He is an adorable Red Merle Border Collie. Aimo tolerates him pretty well, although does get annoyed with his puppy antics. 

Life is crazy, but that is nothing new!

We are so thankful that God has blessed us with the opportunity to buy some land and make this house our home. We are blessed beyond measure.


  1. So happy for you guys! Thankful you will share your farm story as it progresses.

    1. Thank you Kim! We miss all of you so much, but are enjoying our new adventure.
